Mailing #4

It’s not complicated.

Vote NO, to keep 406 in the AFM                       Vote YES, – lose the AFM

… and continued participation in the Musicians’ Pension Fund of Canada is guaranteed. … and there are NO guarantees. MPF takes contributions from AFM employers only. Your pension will stop growing. Without MPF Canada, the Guilde must start up its own pension fund. MPF Canada has been building for 50 years nationwide. How long will it take Guilde leaders to replace it in just one province? And how long to vest? That’s a roll of the dice you can’t afford.
… and you retain access to fast, affordable P2 work permits for work in the United States. … and you stay home. The Guilde has promised “subsidized” work permits – which means you pay, along with the cost of an immigration lawyer, and wait how long?
… and your membership dues stay the same, as do your services. … and your dues may skyrocket. Both Provincial precedent and AFM Bylaws state if the Guilde disaffiliates, it must turn over all its assets (money and equipment) to the AFM. Overnight, the Guilde will have to replace all its money with new money, and fast, in order to keep staff and services. Where will the money come from? Your wallets.
… and, if you’re in an orchestra, bargain with management knowing that you have the strike fund at your back, funded by every major orchestra on the continent. … and, if you’re in an orchestra, bargain with management knowing that if you have to strike, you’re on your own. If the Guilde is out of the AFM, you’re out of the strike fund. Of course, the Guilde should create its own strike fund, but who would pay for it? You. And how long before it has enough money to help? Years.
… and you remain connected to and a part of the only national/international union dedicated to serving musicians. The AFM is a union run by musicians, for musicians, and the world knows it. When we speak with one voice, we speak with power. … and you are an island, surrounded by a sea of musicians no longer concerned with your welfare. Forget working in other locals for other employers. Forget about Guilde leaders being able to speak for you to the rest of the country. No one will listen to them, because they won’t have to.

Employees and other workers gain strength in their workplace by banding together for their common interests. Unions gain strength in their industries by combining resources and focusing their priorities. A YES vote is a step back to the Dark Ages. A NO vote is an affirmation of unity and solidarity, and a commitment toward an even better future.


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